Tattoo, el nuevo personal brand.


We believe that all roads lead us to Rome. Tattoos have become part of our way of achieving a Personal Brand. The sophistication and mutations of behaviors in social cultures are just ways to incorporate differences in expressing who we are and thus connect with the right individuals who help us and facilitate increasing our chances of surviving as a species in society.

With tattoos we do nothing more than a presentation of our personality and Personal Brand at first sight that starts from within...

It's as if the song by Wiz Khalifa – See You Again ft. Charlie Puth. Yes, the one with more than 5 billion views on YouTube. You have it?

 Tattoos are the way to reveal the morphology of what we carry inside to mark it in an "indefinite" way on our skin. 

What do we want to do with this? Simple, explain why this fashion caught on and is no longer something negative or for groups excluded from society and how it is related to Marketing.

With the symbols, phrases, drawings that we put on our skin in a subjective and indelible way, we capture a breakthrough so that strangers can understand what they could find in our personality, we market ourselves, we sell ourselves.

We can see it as a way of marketing ourselves and because it works, Gad Saad explains it to us again through evolutionary psychology.

Tell me which personal brand you want to show and I'll tell you which tattoo to use.

Many years ago, tattoos were reserved for people belonging to the mafia. They have been used to identify people in concentration camps, the tribes rewarded the brave who passed the most dangerous tests and were worthy of showing them off and if we think a little more, they have been in society for a very short time.

We wonder what's up with tattoos and what has this brought us?

Could it be that they continue to represent rebellion? Perhaps the sense of belonging? Do they decorate us? Do they help us to bring out the interior of our values and translate them into view, to have them on the surface, like decals on cars or laptops?

Well, it seems that yes, all that and more.

Searching a little how this works, we found answers in evolutionary psychology at the hands of Gad Saad. A Canadian evolutionary psychologist, who has raised the Darwinian perspective on tattoos and their meaning.

Some of Saad's main ideas are that tattoos can be a sign of long-term commitment, since they are permanent on the skin.

He also believes that they can be a signal of risk and adventure, as a means to mark us as part of a tribe, and that it even identifies us as individuals capable of resisting pain for the sake of belonging.

Individuals who make long-term commitments are often more attractive to others, as they indicate a greater likelihood of providing resources and care for their partner and offspring. From an evolutionary perspective, risk-taking and adventure-seeking individuals may have greater reproductive success, because they are willing to move to achieve their goals.

Those who share a group identity can collaborate and cooperate more effectively, which can increase their chances of survival. And even demonstrate thatwe have sufficient status to be able to access the cost of tattoos, and we are willing to invest not only money, but also time to beautify our skin with drawings that represent us.

Saad points out that tattoos can be a sign of status and dominance. From an evolutionary perspective, status and dominance may be important because they can increase the probability of access to higher-quality resources and mates. Individuals with higher status and dominance may be perceived as more attractive to others and therefore have greater reproductive success. Tattoos can be a sign of status and dominance because they can indicate an individual's ability to withstand pain and the ability to invest in her personal appearance.

Tattoo me the personal brand here 

Having a tattoo does not always mean having something "nice", it does not happen there. It happens because it makes us feel something. ring a bell? Like our daily job of showing ourselves and others a brand work that makes us be remembered. Like people and brands.

We may not agree with regard to aesthetics and personal tastes, but I think we are all aligned to know, with increasing intensity, the importance of thinking about strategies that make the segment we target and want to sell feel and excite.

More and more our job is to take a step back and consider what the person we want to reach feels, what they are thinking, what they are attracted to and, many times, what they do not like, in order to generate the internal emotion. strong enough to make her move from where she is and go buy what we're selling.

The whole world of body decoration through tattoos has become what society adopted in order to show others what we are, how we are. In the strenuous search to be "different" or "more attractive" or "get more attention" as the peacock does with its exorbitant plumage.

If not look at any billionaire soccer or boxing player, if tattoos and looks are a transcendental element in the search for differentiation from the pack.

Consequently, football fanaticism leads us to think that by seeking to resemble our idols, we copy and replicate idioms, values, attitudes and tattoos, to seek our own "differentiation" and "identification" as Jean Baudrillard, a contemporary French philosopher, would say, “consumption is not limited simply to the acquisition of material goods, but it also implies a constant continuation of differentiation and social distinction through the objects that we possess”. Translating, What Baudrillard proposes is that as social animals that we are, we incessantly seek to acquire "material goods", including tattoos, with the superficial intention of obtaining distinction, differentiation and recognition. Baudrillard maintains through his book "La société de la consommation" that the unlimited consumption of goods and services proposes to achieve an artificial differentiation, not real or sustainable, since the massive consumption of l

Franco Falconi

Executive Manager

Veronica Florez

Strategic Analyst

Lucia Balquinta

Digital Designer

Manuela Poustis

Website Developer

Contanos que te pareció :)